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What is critical illness insurance?

A critical illness is a serious medical condition that can have a significant impact on a person's life. It can affect the functioning of vital organs, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, or others. This can severely affect a person's ability to do their daily activities. Treatment for critical illness can be intensive and lengthy and can also be very expensive.

What is the difference between critical illness insurance and health insurance?

Critical illness insurance and health insurance are both types of insurance that can help protect you financially in the event of a medical emergency. However, there are few differences between the two types of insurance:

1. Insurance Coverage

Health insurance policy covers a wider range of minor and major illnesses, including some of the critical conditions. However, the policy limits of health insurance might not be as high as critical illness insurance.

Critical illness coverage offers higher policy limits and provides a lump sum to cover your expenses the way you see fit, including the loss of income. Rest assured, critical illness coverage will provide you with the financial support and cover expenses and medical treatments you need if you are diagnosed with one of the listed illnesses.

2. Claim

A health insurance policy can directly cover your medical expenses or be reimbursed later. For example, your doctor’s visits might be covered if you get the flu.

Alternatively, critical illness coverage will pay out a lump sum, if you are diagnosed with a critical illness listed in your insurance policy. Once your insurance claim is approved, you will receive a direct cash payment from your insurance provider.

3. Protection Purposes

Regular health insurance can help you cover the cost of casual medical expenses such as doctor visits, hospital stays, and prescription drugs. You can use the policy to cover expenses when you start feeling sick.

Critical illness insurance protects you against the financial burden of a serious illness. If you are diagnosed with a covered condition, such as cancer, heart attack, or stroke. Critical illness insurance is especially important for people with families, as it can help to ensure that their loved ones are financially secure.

What are the benefits of critical illness insurance?

Roojai offers financial protection against unexpected expenses that may affect you or your loved ones if diagnosed with a serious illness. Here are four benefits of critical illness insurance you can enjoy:

1. Ensures Financial Protection

Having critical illness insurance provides reliable financial protection when facing critical illnesses such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, and other serious conditions. You won't have to worry about high medical costs because this insurance offers cash payments that can be used for medical expenses, medications, and special treatments needed during recovery. For example, if the insured suffers from coronary artery disease and meets the criteria in the critical illness insurance policy, the coverage amount can be used for angioplasty procedures to open blocked and narrowed coronary arteries.

2. Acts as a Supplementary Insurance

Even if you already have health insurance or BPJS health coverage, critical illness insurance can still serve as a supplementary policy. This means that if you are diagnosed with cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, or kidney failure, you can still file a claim and receive insurance benefits in the form of a lump sum payment, even if your treatment costs are covered by other insurance. This allows you to focus more on your recovery without worrying about additional unexpected expenses.

3. Easily Accessible and Affordable

Roojai Indonesia offers the best critical illness insurance that you can easily obtain online. You can also choose an insurance package that suits your needs and financial capabilities. So, there's no need to worry about high premiums for critical illness insurance.

4. Provides Peace of Mind

In general, critical illness insurance can provide peace of mind because one of life's risks is transferred to the insurance company. By having critical illness insurance, you can be free from worries about treatment costs not covered by general health insurance.

What types of critical illnesses are covered by Roojai?

Roojai's critical illness insurance covers a total of 103 types of illnesses, categorised into the following five groups:

1. Cancer

Roojai's cancer insurance covers 79 types of cancer, including invasive cancers (those that spread to surrounding tissues) such as carcinoma, sarcoma, leukemia, lymphoma, brain, and spinal cord cancers. Additionally, we cover other types of cancer like breast cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, skin cancer, bladder cancer, and many more.

2. Neurological Diseases

Covers 11 types of neurological conditions, including coma due to illness or accident, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, paralysis caused by Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, vegetative coma (apallic syndrome), micro clipping aneurysm surgery, arterial bypass and occlusion/diversion with stent, and endovascular coiling.

3. Heart Diseases

Covers 5 conditions and various cardiovascular cases, including heart bypass surgery, heart attack, ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, and coronary heart disease. You can also get standalone heart disease insurance from Roojai.

4. Chronic Kidney Failure

Covers 3 chronic kidney disease conditions, including end-stage renal failure, kidney transplant, and kidney dialysis. These critical illnesses typically require very high medical costs.

5. Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Covers 5 types of diseases caused by mosquito bites, including malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya, Zika, and yellow fever. Roojai provides coverage amounts ranging from Rp100 million to Rp1 billion for protection categories 1 to 4, and cashless medical treatment for category 5.

What is excluded from a critical illness insurance policy with Roojai?

Roojai’s critical illness insurance has some general exclusions, all exclusions are listed in critical illness insurance policy, and include:

  1. Pre-existing conditions – you are diagnosed with the medical condition before you purchased the critical illness insurance policy.
  2. Congenital conditions – medical conditions you were born with.
  3. Treatment, chronic disease, or complications resulting from plastic or reconstructive surgery.
  4. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by an infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), opportunistic microorganism infection, malignant neoplasm, disease, or any illness the blood test result reveals as being HIV positive.
  5. The abuse or the consequences of the abuse of intoxicants or hallucinogenic substances such as drugs and alcohol, including smoking cessation, nicotine addiction treatment, or any other substance abuse or services, or supplies.

For further details about the critical illness insurance exclusions, please visit our terms and conditions.

How to file a critical illness insurance claim at Roojai?

If you are feeling unwell and suspect that you may have some form of illness, disease or underlying condition, visit a doctor for a checkup at the nearest hospital.

Consult with a doctor about your symptoms. Once you have been diagnosed with cancer or any other covered critical illness, you can download the claim form from Roojai’s website.

Fill out the insurance claim form along with the required documents. Make a claim through email at medicalclaims@roojai.co.id or call 021 5089 0822 if you need assistance.

Wait for Roojai agents to review your insurance claim and supportive documents. We will notify you on the claim status via email.

If your insurance claim was successful, and no further medical verification is required, you will receive the lump sum payment to your bank account within 30 working days.

What is the critical illness insurance waiting period?

The waiting period for critical illness insurance can vary depending on the specific illness that is covered. For example, the waiting period for cancer, neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic kidney failure is 90 days. However, the waiting period for mosquito-borne illnesses is only 30 days because these diseases are sudden and often more unexpected than others.

What is the critical illness insurance survival period?

Critical illness insurance policies typically have a survival period, which is the amount of time you must wait after being diagnosed with a critical illness before you can file a claim. For critical illness insurance with Roojai there is no survival period, which means you can file an insurance claim as soon as you got diagnosed with the covered disease, and you will receive a payment within 30 working days if you do not need any further medical verification.

Why buy critical illness insurance with Roojai?

  • Comprehensive insurance coverage

    We offer comprehensive coverage for over 100 types of critical illnesses in 5 categories: cancer, neurological diseases, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and mosquito-borne diseases.
  • High sum insured

    Roojai offers insurance policies with high sum insured limits, starting from IDR 100 million to IDR 1 billion. You can choose policy limits according to your needs and financial capabilities.
  • Pay in instalments

    You can pay insurance premiums in 12 instalments to manage your finances easily. Critical illness insurance premiums from Roojai start as low as IDR 50,000 per month.
  • Cashless treatment

    If you are diagnosed with a mosquito-borne disease, you can receive cashless treatment at our network of partner hospitals. Roojai will pay for your medical treatment directly to the hospital, so you don't have to file an insurance claim.
  • Fewer insurance exclusions

    We cover more conditions compared to other insurance companies. Our list of critical illness exclusions is limited to “potential” cancer (ie. borderline or pre-malignant tumor, and non-invasive cancer), and cancer caused by HIV. Neurological diseases exclusions are limited to impairments caused by alcohol, drug abuse, or psychological disorders.
  • Insurance coverage for early-stage cancer

    If you are diagnosed with early-stage cancer (T1 & T2), we will provide 25% of the sum insured to help you with your treatment. If your cancer progresses to the late-stage (T3 & T4), we will pay the remaining (75%) of the sum insured. If you are diagnosed with late-stage cancer (T3 & above) at the time of diagnosis, we will pay 100% of the sum insured.
  • Customizable critical illness insurance coverage

    Roojai gives you the flexibility to customize your critical illness insurance coverage that fit your needs. You can choose to cover 1 and up to 5 categories of critical illnesses, and you can specify different policy limits for each category.
  • Network of partner hospitals

    Roojai has partnered with over 2,000 hospitals across Indonesia to simplify your claim process, so you don’t have to worry and can focus on recovery.
  • Simple claim process

    Our customers can make a claim via phone or email. The required documents also only need to be sent via email, so the claim process is very simple, fast and paperless.
  • 4.9/5 customer satisfaction rate

    Roojai has been trusted by 300+ customers and received a lot of positive feedback for providing the best service.

Tips for buying critical illness insurance plan

Critical illness insurance can provide financial assistance if you are diagnosed with a serious illness. Here are some tips for choosing the best critical illness insurance fo you:

  1. Find a trusted insurance company: Research a licensed insurance company with an easy claim process and good reviews online. You can also ask your family and friends for advice.
  2. Understand the benefits: Ensure you understand what critical illnesses are covered, medical expenses limits, sum insured, and other benefits in the policy.
  3. Customize the policy to fit your needs: Choose the protection plan based on your health conditions, risk factors, increase limits for specific coverage.
  4. Make sure insurance premium is affordable: You have to pay the premium monthly or yearly, calculate your budget in advance to make payments on time.

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