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What is cancer insurance?

Cancer insurance is a form of critical illness insurance designed to provide financial protection to the insured if they are diagnosed with cancer, regardless of if it is hereditary or acquired. The cancer policy will provide a lumpsum payment to the policyholder upon getting a cancer diagnosed from a medical professional during the active policy period.

The lumpsum can be used for cancer treatment, such as cancer drugs, chemotherapy, hospital costs, surgery costs, and so on. This means that cancer insurance provides not only peace of mind to the insured and their families, but also financial protection if they have to face this disease and require high treatment costs.

What is the difference between cancer insurance policy, critical illness insurance and health insurance?

Health insurance is meant to provide broad protection against everything from common colds to more serious illnesses such as cancer. However since your health insurance policy has to provide a broad range of coverage, the coverage specifically for cancer is typically lower than in a dedicated cancer policy. Critical illness insurance on the other hand provides broad coverage specifically to for most common dreaded diseases including cancer. However, you need to understand the critical illness policy you selected, sometimes the level of coverage may be higher for other critical illness, such as neurological diseases or heart rather than for cancer. As such, if you are looking to get the highest coverage possible for cancer, you are of course better off selecting a dedicated cancer insurance policy.

Why cancer insurance is good to have?

Based on the National Library of Medicine *1 Cancer is the second highest cause of death in Indonesia besides communicable diseases. According on an 18 year data review of mortality in Indonesia *2, the most commonly diagnosed cancers in males are Leukemia, colorectum cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer and nasopharynx cancer while the most commonly diagnosed cancers in females are breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, leukemia and colorectum cancer. This would indicate that the prevalence of cancer is much more common and requires being prudent and prepared for any unexpected financial loss.

*1 World Health Organization. Noncommunicable Diseases Country Profiles 2018. World Health Organization; 2018. Google Scholar. Accessed March 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9532265/#:~:text=NCDs%20are%20responsible%20for%2073,death%20is%20more%20than%2020%25

*2 1. Sung H, Ferlay J, Siegel RL, Laversanne M, Soerjomataram I, Jemal A, et al. Global Cancer Statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN Estimates of Incidence and Mortality Worldwide for 36 Cancers in 185 Countries. Google Scholar. 2. 2. The Global Cancer Observatory, author. Cancer Incident in Indonesia. Int Agency Res Cancer. 2020. Google Scholar. Accessed March 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10416343/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%202020%20the,cancers%20(5%2C6

Who should get cancer insurance?

Cancer is becoming more common around the world and can affect anyone and unfortunately at any age. However, the risk of someone for having cancer can increase significantly due to some factors, including an unhealthy lifestyle including history of smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, an unhealthy diet, or exposure to carcinogenic substances, such as air pollution or radiation as well as family history of cancer.

If someone experiences the factors mentioned above, then having cancer insurance really needs to be seriously considered.

How does cancer insurance work as financial protection?

Cancer insurance provides peace of mind and financial protection from the risk of unexpected expenses that can affect yourself or your loved ones if diagnosed with cancer. With a cancer insurance policy from Roojai you get;

  • Financial Protection from High Treatment Costs - Cancer is a disease that often requires intensive and expensive treatment. With cancer insurance, you don't have to worry about high medical expenses, get a lump sum payment that can be used to cover hospital costs, cancer drugs, and special care needed during recovery.
  • Access to Higher Quality Care – With cancer policy you can access higher-quality healthcare that you need without worrying about costs. You can seek treatment from the leading doctors and specialists and get the latest and best care to increase your chance to beat cancer.
  • Complementary insurance: Even if you already have health insurance or BPJS health insurance, they may not cover all forms of cancer. Therefore, it is important to have a complementary insurance policy strictly dedicated to cancer that could help you cover the financial burden if you are diagnosed with one of 79+ types of cancers including early and late stage.

What are the benefits of cancer insurance from Roojai?

  • The insured can be 18 to 64 years old and can be extended until the insured is 65 years old.
  • Coverage for 79 types of cancers, including early and late-stage cancers.
  • Get a lumpsum payment upon diagnosis from a reliable medical professional.
  • Customize your insurance plan online. Simply select your preferred sum insured starting from IDR 100 mio up to IDR 1 bio.
  • Get quality customer service with a 4.9/5 customer satisfaction score from real customers.
  • Insurance premium starts at just IDR 50,000 per month.

What does Roojai cancer insurance cover?

Roojai covers 79+ types of cancers and both early stage to late stage cancer which includes the following:

  • Lip
  • Tongue
  • Other parts of tongue
  • Gum
  • Floor of Mouth
  • Palate
  • Other parts of mouth
  • Parotid Gland
  • Other major salivary glands
  • Tonsil
  • Oropharynx
  • Nasopharynx
  • Pyriform Sinus
  • Hypopharynx
  • Other sites in the lip and pharynx
  • Esophagus
  • Stomach
  • Small Intestine
  • Colon
  • Rectosigmoid Junction
  • Rectum
  • Anus and Anal Canal
  • Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Ducts
  • Gallbladder
  • Other parts of biliary tract
  • Pancreas
  • Other digestive organs
  • Nasal Cavity and Middle Ear
  • Accessory Sinuses
  • Larynx
  • Trachea
  • Bronchus and Lung
  • Thymus
  • Heart, Mediastinum, and Pleura
  • Other sites in respiratory system
  • Bone and Articular Cartilage of Limbs
  • Other bone and articular cartilage
  • Skin
  • Other skin malignant neoplasms
  • Mesothelioma
  • Kaposi's Sarcoma
  • Peripheral Nerves
  • Retroperitoneum and Peritoneum
  • Other connective and soft tissue
  • Breast
  • Vulva
  • Vagina
  • Cervix Uteri
  • Corpus Uteri
  • Uterus, part unspecified
  • Ovary
  • Other female genital organs
  • Placenta
  • Penis
  • Testis
  • Other male genital organs
  • Kidney, include renal pelvis
  • Ureter
  • Bladder
  • Other urinary organs
  • Eye and Adnexa
  • Meninges
  • Brain
  • Spinal Cord/Central Nervous System
  • Thyroid Gland
  • Adrenal Gland
  • Other endocrine glands
  • Hodgkin's Disease
  • Follicular Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
  • Diffuse Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
  • Peripheral and Cutaneous T cell Lymphoma
  • Other Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
  • Immunoproliferative Diseases
  • Malignant Plasma Cell Neoplasms
  • Lymphoid Leukemia
  • Myeloid Leukemia
  • Monocytic Leukemia
  • Other leukemias
  • Other lymphoid and hematopoietic
  • More

What is not covered by a cancer insurance policy?

Roojai’s cancer insurance list of exclusions is limited to “potential” cancer (ie. borderline or pre-malignant tumor, and non-invasive cancer), and cancer from HIV. For further details about the cancer insurance exclusions, please visit our cancer policy terms and conditions.

Does the policyholder need to do a medical checkup before buying?

There is no medical screening required. Simply answer a short health questionnaire online and you’re ready to go. (Roojai reserves the right to increase the insurance premium or cancel the policy if it is found that any of the questions were answered inaccurately).

How much does cancer insurance cost?

Cancer insurance premiums start from IDR 50,000/month for basic coverage, but this depends on how you wish to customize your policy and level of coverage to meet your needs.

What payment methods are available?

Roojai offers 2 convenient payment methods for you:

  • Credit card
  • Virtual account

You can also choose to pay annually or in installments over 12 months for more manageable insurance premium payments with a credit card or virtual account. For more information, you can check out our How to pay for insurance page.

Are cancer insurance premiums tax deductible?

Because the cancer insurance premium is paid by an individual and considered as their personal living expense, then the cancer insurance premium is not tax deductible.

How long is the cancer insurance policy waiting period?

Cancer insurance waiting period is 90 days from the policy start date before your policy coverage will become active. For more information, you can check the terms and conditions.

When will I get my insurance policy documents?

Immediately after your purchase. Roojai will send you an e-mail with the link to MyAccount where you can access your e-policy 24/7. If you choose the non e-policy option, we will send the documents to your address within 10 working days. Help us save the environment by choosing an e-policy.

How to renew my cancer insurance policy?

Close to your policy’s expiration date, we will send you an invitation email to renew your insurance policy. This email will contain the current coverage that will be renewed, the renewal price, and a payment button. If you want to renew your cancer insurance policy, you can just simply click the payment button and proceed to renew.

If you have any questions or need more information regarding the policy renewal process, you can contact our team at 021 5089 0822.

How to make a cancer insurance claim with Roojai?

Roojai has made the cancer insurance claim process simple and convenient to ensure your main concern is your recovery. You can make a claim by following the steps below:

  1. After getting an unfortunate diagnosis from a medical professional that you have cancer, visit the Roojai website and download an insurance claim form.
  2. Complete the form along with the required documents and send it to our email at medicalclaims@roojai.co.id or call 021 5089 0822 if you need assistance.
  3. After the cancer insurance claim submission is received, the Roojai claim team will review and inform you about the status of your claim submission.
  4. Upon a successful claim submission, the lumpsum payment will be made within 30 working days after all the completed documents are received and if no further medical investigations are required.

How to contact Roojai?

For health insurance related questions you can contact Roojai at 021 5089 0822 or service@roojai.co.id.


Cancer stage

The severity of cancer is determined based on the development of cancer cells.

Cancer drugs

Medications used to treat cancer. They work in various ways to kill cancer cells, stop them from growing, or shrink tumors.


One of cancer treatment methods that’s using antineoplastic preparations to kill tumor cells by interfering with the function and reproduction of the cancer cells.

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July 26, 2024

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