We found   313   reviews.

they were very helpful and informative, they were also very friendly which is the most important. I talked to Devi which was quite nice because she was friendly and fast responding to any questions I had. well done.


September 26, 2023

respon dari Roojai sangat cepat dan baik. Beruntung aku dibantu oleh Irham yang sangat sopan dan menjelaskan dengan super detail dan menjawab semua pertanyaanku dengan tepat. Tidak memaksa dan sangat solutif. Terima kasih Roojai, semoga proses kedepannya juga lancar dan yg penting SALAM SEHAT!


September 26, 2023

Bagus. Biaya premi rendah. Nilai klaim asuransi lumayan tinggi. Pelayanannya bagus. Cara menjelaskannya mudah dimengerti. Sangat membantu untuk saya dengan mobilitas tinggi.


September 26, 2023

My PIC, Irham was very nice and gave clear explanation. Guided me very well in choosing the right insurance that suits to my needs

Verified customer

September 23, 2023

Pelayanan memuaskan

Verified customer

September 22, 2023

Dapat informasi dari teman, asuransinya bagus. Makasi mba devi

Verified customer

September 22, 2023

Sistem pembayaran oke. Gampang dalam proses kepesertaannya


September 20, 2023

Sistem pembayaran oke. Gampang dalam proses kepesertaannya


September 20, 2023

Benefitnya ok

Verified customer

September 20, 2023

Pelayanan mudah dipahami

Verified customer

September 19, 2023

roojai keren

Verified customer

September 18, 2023

roojai mantap

Verified customer

September 18, 2023

baik, cepat, akurat, lengkap, mudah, tidak ribet

Verified customer

September 18, 2023

Begitu mudah dan tanpa ribet


September 18, 2023

The agent called me this morning and explaining all their service in a gentle manner, unlike other sales agents who talk in robotic way. My questions were got satisfying answers, and he soon contacted me via whatsapp for further kind assistance. Thank you for the nice service.

Verified customer

September 18, 2023

Asuransi yg bisa custom sesuai kebutuhan, jd lebih efisien dan efektif. Agennya jg solutif. Recommended lah

Verified customer

September 16, 2023

Insurance yg sgtmudahcara daftarnya dgn berbagai kufshaj dan benefitsnya

Verified customer

September 12, 2023

Sangat baik dan mantap

Verified customer

September 12, 2023