Purchasing insurance policy via online payment is the easiest, most convenient, and most affordable way – only with Roojai. No more endless phone calls, appointments, or complicated paperwork, you can get your insurance quote in 30 seconds! After getting your insurance quote, you can buy insurance online or ask our customer service to contact you.
Once your car inspection has been approved, you will get access to your policy information 24/7 via MyAccount. If you choose to receive your documents in hard copy, then the documents will be sent to your address within max. 10 working days.
You will get access to your e-policy via my account. Or if you select to receive a hardcopy, the policy document will be sent to your address.
You will get access to your e-policy via my account. Or if you select to receive a hardcopy, the policy document will be sent to your address.
To get health insurance with Roojai, you don’t need to prepare any documents. But in certain cases you will need to provide proof of income or bank account statement for the last 3 months.
Car inspection
The assessment of a car's condition done by a technician. This is an important part of the car insurance process to determine whether the car insurance policy can be issued or not.
An electronic legal contract between the insurance company (the insurer) and the person(s), business, or entity being insured (the insured).
The amount of money an individual or business pays for an insurance policy.